Google Workspace Consulting & Support
Enable remote working for your business. With Google Workspace any company, from a 2 person team to a globe-spanning enterprise, can enable, manage and secure their remote workforce and distributed teams at the click of a button.
The services that make up a remote working system are many and range from cloud file storage, managed email services, chat, and collaboration tools to user management and end-point security. Google Workspace provides you with all these services for a monthly fee per user.
Evaluate Google Workspace
Are you considering Google Workspace as a solution but would like additional information or got some questions you would like to know the answer to? Our consultants will be able to assist. Contact us and we are more than happy to meet to discuss your requirements and answer your questions.
Google Workspace Enablement
If you have decided to move to a Google Workspace solution you don't have to migrate all your services at once, or at all. You can decide which services to use and enable additional services as your use of the system grows. Of course, you can always keep components of your current system which you have invested in and integrate those with Google Workspace services.
Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
+2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)
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