We Build - Software Development

In today's polyglot world, with new languages, libraries and frameworks constantly emerging and evolving Jumping Bean stays on the edge of developments but not the absolute bleeding edge.

Our approach to implementation language and libraries is pragmatic, balancing the benefits of the new with the requirements for a sustainable and responsible approach to implementation choices. We predominantly focus on open-source heavy software development stacks.

Future-proof Solutions

We work with our customers to accommodate their technological constraints whilst building future-proof solutions that enable flexibility going forward. Today that means utilizing a micro-service approach to leverage the multiple trends influencing application design. From agile project management to cloud computing,  containers, and DevOps, applications need to be developed to accommodate and leverage these changes.

Team Composition & Management

We are happy to take full ownership of a software development project and staff the team as required, or play a leadership role on our customer's team, providing project and architecture guidance and ensuring a successful project.

Our approach is to lead the development team and fulfil the architect's role on our customer's projects. We take responsibility for managing the development team, work assignments, and deliverables using an Agile methodology. We may also provide development and engineering resources on these teams to supplement our customers' resources.

The need to transfer skills to in-house developers is often a project requirement and this is usually facilitated by including these resources on the development team.

Project Pricing

Our software development projects are charged on a time-and-materials basis.  We do provide service-level agreements for those customers looking for additional ongoing support to supplement their in-house DevOps teams.